India to initiate safeguard measures investigation on the imports of PVC
India to initiate safeguard measures investigation on the imports of PVC
The Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry on 16 September 2022 announced the initiation of safeguard investigations concerning the imports of PVC suspension resins after two key domestic producers, namely Chemplast Cuddalore Vinyls Limited and DCW Limited submitted a petition to related authorities.
The petition alleged the ‘sudden, sharp and significant surge in imports of PVC suspension in India,’ particularly from January to June 2022 that caused serious injury while posing a serious threat of injury to the domestic industry. From 2021-2022, the total PVC import increased by more than 267% compared to 2020-2021.
The petitioners have requested the government to impose quantitative restrictions to regulate the maximum quantity of PVC suspension that might be imported to the country to protect domestic producers.
The relevant authorities found the evidence submitted by the petitioners sufficient to justify the initiation of safeguard investigations on whether ‘imports have increased suddenly and sharply in the recent period as a result of unforeseen developments, and whether such increased imports have caused or pose a threat of serious injury to the domestic industry.’