Jan 19, 2025 11:23 p.m.

Dalian Commodity Exchange to introduce night trading by end of March

Dalian Commodity Exchange to introduce night trading by end of March


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Dalian Commodity Exchange has implemented a pilot program for the night trading products and the options hedging business on Saturday, 23 March 2019. The program includes petrochemical products, namely PP, LLDPE, PVC and MEG.  

It is determined that the trading hours would be from 9PM to 11PM, Monday to Friday, except public holidays. Dalian Commodity Exchange has yet to disclose the result of the program, however, the night trading would officially become a new product on 29 March. 

Domestic spot petrochemical market in China has been heavily influenced by the futures trading. Sources fear that with the introduction of the night trading, spot sentiment might become even more volatile in the days ahead.   


**Image: One World Trade Center Night by Stacy P. Fischer 

