Apr 29, 2024 3:10 p.m.

Morning Briefing - 09 Nov. 2023

CommoPlast CommoPlast Asia Sdn Bhd
In a surprising but pleasant development, Chinese buyers have shown acceptance toward import homo-PP cargoes from dutiable origins

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Morning Briefing

9 November 2023


Brent: $79.54 (- $2.07)

WTI: $75.33 (- $2.04)


Naphtha CFR Japan: - $7


Ethylene CFR NEA: Stable

Ethylene CFR SEA: Stable


Propylene FOB Korea: Stable

Propylene CFR China: + $5


*Data represent closing prices of the previous trading day 




In a surprising but pleasant development, Chinese buyers have shown acceptance toward import homo-PP cargoes from dutiable origins at $880/ton CFR China after much deliberation and negotiation. Discussing with CommoPlast, a number of buyers expressed the expectations that the market might be heading for stabilisation despite the recent downfall in crude oil prices given the still strong propane/propylene costs.


Chinese PET bottle offers held largely stable in Southeast Asia this week despite the rebound in the upstream PX and PTA costs. Demand is weak due to the off-peak season. There have been reports that Chinese PET bottle plants are currently operating at about 80% capacity, making supply rather comfortable.


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